Welcome to Sonoma Skypark
Sonoma Skypark Airport is a public use airport owned by over fifty members of the local community. Located just three miles from the historic Sonoma Plaza, Skypark serves as a convenient aviation gateway to the beautiful Sonoma Valley. We proudly host a number of community events and great youth programs, as well as helping with disaster preparedness and emergency response.

EAA Chapter 1268
The Experimental Aircraft Association is an international organization dedicated to all aspects of aviation, including home building and aircraft restoration.
More than 60 members strong, Sonoma Skycrafters (Chapter 1268) was chartered in 1992. The chapter meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the clubhouse at Sonoma Skypark. Meetings start at 7:00 pm with a dinner prepared by the members, followed by a short business meeting and a program covering a range of subjects related to general aviation. Please join us!

The $100 Hamburger
Technically, the burger will only cost you $10, it’s the fuel to fly here that adds up!
Every Saturday, from noon to 1:30 p.m., volunteers grill burgers to help raise the scholarship money that sends our Young Eagles to the EAA’s Air Academy in Oshkosh, WI. Please join us; the burgers are great, the company is good, and it’s for the best cause—helping introduce young people to the world of aviation.

Disaster Preparedness
Sonoma Skypark Airport is a member of the Sonoma Valley Disaster Council, and an integral part of Sonoma Valley’s disaster planning, with emergency and public safety agencies conducting regular emergency preparedness drills.
In the event of a disaster, Sonoma Skypark will serve as a base for public safety agencies and a reception point for emergency and medical supplies delivered by airlift. Pilots based at Sonoma Skypark will conduct aerial damage assessments and relay real-time information to the Sonoma Valley Emergency Operations Center.

Hot Air Balloons
Experience the world renowned vineyards of Sonoma like never before, including panoramic views of Sonoma Valley, historic downtown Sonoma, the rolling hills of Petaluma and outlying views of San Francisco Bay with Sonoma Ballooning.
Come visit us!
Office open 0900–1700
Sundays unattended.
Kids fly free the second Sunday of every month (except December), 9:00 – 11:30 am
Hotdogs and hamburgers every Saturday noon–1:30 pm
EAA chapter meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm